Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the Divine feminine

Swamiji makes some pretty strong and striking statements here.

The one that really hit my gut was about the nature of life. Life is passive, even lazy. Life is not active. Activity is born out of restlessness, a masculine energy. That which seeks its pleasure outside of itself is masculine.

And the person I remembered was my great grandmother, a very old old lady who passed her time on her bed, cutting vegetables for her neighbor's kitchen, with a song on her lips.

Before my grandmother passed away, she would say again and again, 'All I want to do is to live with you and cook for you.'

My grandfather too had a lot of feminine energy, he silently beamed warmth and affection, a deep and unconditional love for us. In his last days, when he couldn't talk much, he would open his can of dry fruits and hand us some cashews.

I wonder, is that what I really seek from a Guru, the bliss of childhood, when love was as simple as a chocolate?

And I find myself looking forward to old age, if it is going to make me more and more feminine.


Tharini said...

Hi Manju...

I had the good fortune of hearing about your book in the 'words from her soul' review by Nino's Mum. And I am waiting to read it.

Wnated to take this opportunity to write to you and say hello, and also that I love reading the Nithyananda newsletters and they simply awaken my true intelligence and give me such a clarified understanding of my own thoughts and compulsions.

I loved what you wrote here....and have no better words to say how much I loved it.

Manjushree Abhinav said...

Dear Tharini,

Thanks for the comment, darling. Usually I hardly get any comments on the Swamiji posts...:)

Why don't you subscribe to Nithyananda newsletter? the link is on my blog...

Tharini said...

Oh but I am subscribed for it Manju. Been for the past 2 years.

Manjushree Abhinav said...

Two years? Cool.

Have you met him too?

And... maybe we could continue this conversation onto a personal space? My email address is

Tharini said...

MAnju...tried sending u an email but it doesnt recognise this id. Would you write to me?