I am editing a video based on misconceptions of children.
'Evaporation happens only in large water bodies like lakes, oceans, rivers. Can water in a glass evaporate? No, water in a glass cannot evaporate. How can it? It is not enough for rain,' says a fourth class student.
Tring tring. My sister calls from Goa.
'I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt that.....' She carries on for six minutes as I look at the paused frame.
'But of course, its just a coincidence,' she ends.
'There is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is connected.' I say.
'I don't believe in all that stuff. A dream is a dream.'
'Yes, you are right, ' I tell her, ' How can water kept in a small glass evaporate? How can a mere dream have any connection to reality? The sun is too busy with evaporating large water bodies.
Why should he bother with a pretty girl dreaming in a glass of water?'