Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Lonesome Diwali

'Where's the boy today?' the ironing walah asks me.
It is usually Pavan's job to get the ironed clothes.

'He has gone to Delhi. For Diwali.' I reply.

'Oh, you didn't go?' he asks.

'New job, no. Wont get leave.' I crib.

'And brother? He also gone?'

'Yes, Papa also gone.'

'So sad. Very sad.' he sympathizes, as he hands over the clothes.

Walking back home, my cell busses. It's a friend.

'Hi sweetie.... You are all alone on Diwali?...Why didn't you go with your family?' she asks, after the preliminaries.

'Come on, I need a Diwali break yaar. Some time to be with myself, to reflect, to meditate...'

'Man, you are a very different type of person. I really admire you...'

As I open my door, the cell comes to life again. Its mom.

'Happy Diwali, Ai.' I say.

'Happy Independence week, shona!' she says. I laugh. You can fool the world, but you can't fool mother dear.

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